Marble or Granite for kitchen countertops

Silestone Quartz

Marble or Granite for kitchen countertops? You can make a choice them, taking into account different conditions. And what can these be? Let us point out.

  • Cost: It allows you to save money, since marble is a more affordable material than granite.
  • Option: Since the color, shape, texture and vein structure change with each marble, it is easier to find a marble for every taste than granite.
  • Easy to Shape: Since marble is a material that takes shape more easily than granite, it can be designed to fit any space in your kitchen.
  • Maintenance: It is easier to maintain because it can keep the marble polishing process easier than granite.

Marble or Granite for kitchen countertops? We answered the frequently asked questions about the use of marble in the kitchen.

Marble or Granite for kitchen countertops
Marble or Granite for kitchen countertops – Marble or Granite for kitchen countertops

Will Water Damage Marble?

Since marble is a water-resistant material, the material will never be damaged by contact with water. But no one likes water drops. Therefore, in case of contact with water, it is recommended to wipe it immediately with a dry cloth.

Does Marble Break Easily?

Solid and durable marble can be used for many years without breaking, as long as there is not a very severe impact.

How To Choose the Best Marble For The Floor?

The best marble for your kitchen should be chosen according to the width of the kitchen, the color of the lighting and other accessories. You can make a risk-free choice by choosing a pattern that matches each environment and color.

What is the most affordable countertop material?

Given the price and long-term availability, the most affordable kitchen countertop material is marble.

What Color Marble Should I Use in the Kitchen?

For a bright, spacious look, you can crown your kitchen with a breathtaking design by choosing marbles dominated by white tones. For example, the use of marble as a floor covering, dominated by white tones, offers original kitchen designs.

Is Granite Better Than Marble?

As we mentioned in our article, it is more advantageous to use marble in kitchen designs, because it is more affordable, there are more options, it can be easily shaped and easy to maintain.

Is Quartz More Durable Than Marble?

Yes, but do not forget that quartz is an artificial stone consisting of the mineral silica, which causes severe lung damage.

Marble or Granite for kitchen countertops
Marble or Granite for kitchen countertops – Marble or Granite for kitchen countertops

Marble or Quartz for kitchen countertops

Marble or Quartz for kitchen countertops? Here are some points that we need to look at again. Let’s find out what’s going on together. Marble or Quartz for kitchen countertops?

  • Naturalness: Marble is a natural material; quartz is an artificial stone created in a factory environment.
  • Hazard Ingredient Content: Quartz is a factory-made artificial material and contains a high percentage of silica powder in it. This powder causes serious damage to the lungs and causes death when inhaled by workers working with marble. Serious measures have been taken for the use of quartz kitchen countertops in the USA, Australia and some European countries, and consumers are being directed to the use of marble, which is completely natural.
  • Uniqueness: Because it is a natural material, marble with hundreds of different colors and vein structures comes out of every region, country and region. Marble is a material so unique that it does not follow each other.
  • Cost: Quartz is cheaper than marble and offers more color options by coloring because it is artificial, but they all have a single pattern.
  • Polishing Process: Quartz is a non-porous product and does not require polish application, but contains silica powder, which damages the lungs, causing death.
Marble or Granite for kitchen countertops
Marble or Granite for kitchen countertops – Marble or Quartz for kitchen countertops
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